Burntwood Tri Club League

The club holds an annual league, allowing members to compete for the league trophy at the end of the season. This year we will be running two leagues for both males and females:

1. Open League (Men’s and Women’s) – open to all Club members
2. Novice League (Men’s and Women’s) – open to members competing for their first year in triathlon.

A number of races are chosen, with memers required to race in at least three races in order to be included in the league.

The Club race will be Three Spires Sprint Triathlon on 19th September. A club race trophy will be awareded to the fastest Burntwood Club memeber for this race.


1. All participants must be fully paid up members of Burntwood Triathlon Club.
2. Participants must compete as ‘Burntwood Triathlon Club’ and appear in the race results as such.
3. You can enter as many races as you like. Your best 3 results will count. In the event of a tie, your 4th result will count.
4. Scores will be calculated by dividing your finishing time by the winning time in you age group. The lowest score at the end of the year will win. Men and women will compete separately.

What to do now:

1. Let me know you want to take part before competing in your first race.
2. Let me know in which age group you will be competing and if you are eligible for the Novice league.
3. After a race, email me with your finishing time and, if possible, the winning time in you age group.

      Click the icon to view the league races and the latest league standings.