Burntwood Tri Club Coaches

Ann Brooks

Sports related qualifications: BTF Level 2 session coach  
Work: Veterinary Surgeon  
Triathlete since: 2003  
Has raced: Sprint and Olympic (once!). 2nd in age group National Aquathlon Championships 2004. Now permanently injured.  
Prefers: Sprint distance – it’s over quicker.  
Other sports: Riding, mountain biking, cycle touring (completed Lhasa to Kathmandu and Lands End-John o’Groats in 2009)  
Favourite sports personality: Chrissie Wellington  
Ideal training partner: Anyone I can keep up with.  
Likes: Chocolate, red wine, sleeping.  

Martin Lewis

Sports related qualifications: BTF Level 1 assistant coach  
Triathlete since:    
Has raced:    
Other sports:    
Favourite sports personality:    
Ideal training partner:    


Tony Wrighton 

Sports related qualifications: BTF Level 1 assistant coach, BSAC Diving instructor sports. BSACC Diving instructor commercial.  
Work: Bathroom Sales  
Triathlete since: 1995  
Has raced: Too many…..  
Prefers: Swimming and beer  
Other sports: Golf, cricket and mountain biking  
Favourite sports personality: Ian Botham  great sense of humour and sportsmanship  
Ideal training partner: Don’t know - too slow to keep up….  
Likes: Italian food and English beer, that’s why I have to do triathlon…  

Tim Pepper 

Sports related qualifications: BTF Level 1 assistant coach. Premiership soccer club osteopath.  
Work: Osteopath/physiotherapist  
Triathlete since: 2003  
Has raced: Sprint, Olympic, Half Ironman. Competed in Age Group World Championships 2009.  
Prefers: Olympic distance  
Other sports: Eating  
Favourite sports personality: Usain Bolt because what he does is meant to be humanly impossible. There’s hope for us all then.  
Ideal training partner: Ian Haywood – an old friend – ultra competitive even in training!  
Likes: ?  

Jade O’Sullivan

Sports related qualifications: ASA Level 2 Swim Coach  
Triathlete since:    
Has raced:    
Other sports:    
Favourite sports personality:    
Ideal training partner:    