Bike Training

During the summer (May to September) the Club runs Timed Bike Rides every other Wednesday evening. The course starts in Kings Bromley and is approximately 8 miles long. These rides are not races but are used as a test of fitness and training progress during the race season.

Click here to view the start location and route

  Click to view timed bike ride results.

Silly Early Saturday Bike Ride. During the summer several members cycle early on Saturday mornings (6.30am). Details are posted on the forum each week.

Longer rides are organised by individual members and advertised on the forum. We organise occasional Sunday Club rides.

Track cycling – organised by Lichfield City Cycling Club. This is held on Curborough sprint track on Friday evenings (7pm). Cost £1.50. Experienced youths and juniors welcome. LCCC runs separate sessions on Wednesday and Thursday evenings for younger riders. The track is situated off the northern end of Netherstowe Lane, Lichfield.