Burntwood Aquathlon


Well done to all those that competed in the Burntwood spring aquathlon. We hope that you had a great time and hope to see you at our next race!

Click here for the adult results of the spring 2013 Aquathlon..

Click here for the junior results of the spring 2013 Aquathlon..


Race Dates

The Burntwood Aquathlon is held biannually at the Burntwood Leisure Centre, Burntwood. The next Aquathlon will be Autumn 2013. To enter, please visit www.entrycentral.com or Download an entry form. Please read all the race information, especially relating to the tristar races.

Important Tristar Competitor Information
Please remember that age catagories and therefore race distances (detailed below) are based on a competitors age on 31st December. It is a competitor's responsibility to known and complete the correct race distance.

Location & Car Parking
The race is being held at Burntwood Leisure Centre in Burntwood near Lichfield, easily reached from all directions. A link for directions is - if you’re using the Internet, or Satnav, the postcode of the centre is WS7 3XH. There is plenty of free parking at the leisure

Changing Facilities
There are changing rooms and showers inside the leisure centre.

Vending machines are available in reception and there is a small café open from 9am.

Registration opens at 7.30am and will stay open until everyone has registered. All competitors must register on arrival. Registration is located inside the leisure centre – it will be signed from reception. Here you will confirm your starting time and be issued with your race number. Body marking will be done at Registration; junior competitors will also have their required number of swim lengths marked onto their hand. BTF members will receive a £3 refund on production of a current race licence (£1 for juniors). Non-BTF members will be issued with a day member’s licence. If you are currently taking any medication or suffer from a specific medical condition (e.g.
drug allergy) please inform us at registration and also write details clearly on the back of your
race number.

Please be at the poolside at least 10 minutes before your start time for a final race briefing, following which you will be instructed to move to your allotted swim lane. A swimming hat will be provided for you to wear. All competitors will start in waves, 6 per wave, at approximately 4 minute intervals. The starter will tell you when it is OK to enter the water, and then give you a countdown to your start.
Full race distance is 16 lengths of the pool. The lane counter will keep count of your progress and will signal when you have 2 lengths remaining.
IMPORTANT: the lane counter’s decision is final; any argument will result in a penalty! Please note you may only swim using breaststroke or freestyle or a combination of both.

The transition area is located just outside the pool building by the exit from the swim; please
leave shoes & clothing here. To access the transition area before the race please turn right out of reception and follow round the outside of the building. There will be no access via the pool except when racing. Please note that only competitors will be allowed into the transition area to set up with the exception of Tristar Start and Tristar competitors who will be allowed one parent to help set up. While setting up, please be aware of people racing and take care not to obstruct them. During the race, exit the pool through the door near the shallow end of the pool. The timekeeper is located here; please shout your race number as you pass. Be careful, the floor
will be wet and slippery.
NB. No assistance of any kind is allowed in transition while racing with the exception of Tristar Start competitors who will be allowed one helper. Any unauthorised assistance will result in disqualification of the competitor concerned.

Please make sure your number is visible at all times; if your number can’t be seen by the timekeepers then you won’t get a time! Numbers must be worn on your front. Number belts will be allowed. Please note that no-one is allowed to run ‘topless’ – please put on a shirt if needed!

The run course for Tristar is a multi-lap course around the playing fields adjacent to the swimming pool – each lap is 500m long. Tristar Start will complete 2 laps of a shorter 300m course. Shortly before the end of each lap you will be given a wristband. You should finish
the race with one less band than the number of laps you are running. It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure that they complete the correct number of laps. The course is entirely on grass, possibly a little muddy and uneven in places, although normal running shoes will
be OK.
The run course for Adults and Youths is a multi-lap course using minor roads close to the Leisure Centre. Each lap is 1.25km long. The course exits the site via a metal gate close to the swim exit and re-enters the site via the main Leisure Centre entrance. The entire route is
on footpaths, pavements or grass verges, there are 3 crossings of minor side roads. These and other strategic locations will be marshalled. The whole course will be clearly marked with direction arrows. Competitors should be aware that at times the paths may be uneven or
slippery and they may encounter obstacles such as parked cars, posts or litter bins - special care should be taken in these areas. Members of the public will also be using some of the paths and competitors should allow them right of way at all times. The Highway Code applies
in all areas and traffic will take priority at all times. Shortly before the end of each lap you will be given a wristband. You should finish the race with three bands. Spectators are requested to remain off the run course and behind the barriers provided. Any unauthorised assistance will result in disqualification of the competitor concerned. After the race please remove muddy shoes before entering the building.

Race Distances
Age 15 & over – 400m swim (16 lengths of the pool), 5000m run (4 full laps of road course)
Age 13-14 – 400m swim (16 lengths) & 3000m run
Age 11-12 – 250m swim (10 lengths) & 2000m run
Age 9-10 – 150m swim (6 lengths) & 1500m run
Age 8 – 50m swim (2 lengths) & 600m run
NB. A child’s age group is decided by their age on 31st December in the year of the race not
their age on the day of the race.

Race Rules
The race is being run under BTF rules; please make sure you are familiar with these. They
can be found at:
There will be a copy at the registration desk.

Spectators must keep off the race course at all times and must not obstruct competitors or race officials. Any competitors receiving outside assistance will be disqualified. There is a small seating area next to the pool. This can be accessed only through the door
from the café. To get to the seats you will cross the door to transition. There will be a marshal situated here but please take care not to obstruct competitors. Spectators will not be allowed to enter or exit the pool via the transition door.

In line with BTF guidelines for children’s races, anyone wishing to take photographs or video footage of the event must register their details at the Registration desk before carrying out any such photography. (NB, includes camera phones!). You will be issued with a sticker
which you must wear at all times. Burntwood Leisure Centre policy is that no photography is allowed inside the building, meaning that no photography will be allowed in the swimming pool. There will also be no photography allowed in the transition area. Please complete a photographers form, click here.

Presentation and Results
Provisional results will be available and the presentation will take place as soon as possible after the last competitor has finished in the registration area. The results will be on the Club website (www.burntwoodtriclub.org) within a few hours of the race finishing. If you’d prefer a hard copy then please leave an SAE at Registration.

Our Club
We are a growing & friendly club, catering for all levels and abilities. If you’re interested in taking your Triathlon interest further then you’ll be made very welcome at one of our club training sessions.


Will I be too slow?
No one is too slow to compete in an aquathlon. We can’t all win and the idea is to take part
and have fun. In the swim you will be grouped with people of a similar speed. Slower
swimmers start first. However slow you are going, you won’t get in anyone’s way.

What should I wear?
Experienced triathletes will wear a one or two-piece triathlon suit throughout the race
however, if this is your first race there is no need to buy any special clothing. The simplest
option is to wear your normal swimming costume then pull on a T shirt if you want in
transition to which you can attach your race number. NB. No-one is allowed to run ‘topless’!
Another alternative would be to swim in a pair of lycra shorts and a lycra top that you may
already have for running. If it’s very cold you may want to put on a woolly hat and gloves!

What do I do in transition?
Your time in transition is part of your race time so the idea is to get through as quickly as
possible. However you are free to take as much time as you want and put on as many
clothes as you need to feel comfortable. You may want to bring a small towel to stand on
whilst you dress, you can also put talc in your trainers to help your feet slip in when wet
especially if you’re not wearing socks. If you’re looking to save a few more seconds you may
want to invest in a pair of elastic laces for your trainers.

When will I get my start time?
Start times will be posted on our Club website at www.burntwoodtriclub.org in the middle of
the week before the race. If you would rather receive your start time by post you need to
send us a 1st class SAE with your entry.

How early do I need to register?
Arrange to arrive leaving sufficient time to register, put your things in transition and to be at
the pool 10 mins before your allotted start time. Registration will stay open until everyone has

When does the junior race start?
The juniors will race before the adults. The junior race will start at 8.30am. The adult race
start time will depend on the number of junior entries but is likely to be 9.30-10am. Please
note that ‘Youths’ will race with the adults.

When will the results be published?
Provisional results will be available about 30 mins after the last competitor has finished. Full
results will be published on our Club website (www.burntwoodtriclub.org) by the evening of
race day.

Can I help my child in transition?
No-one is allowed help in transition with the exception of Tristar Start competitors who will be
allowed one helper. Anyone receiving unauthorised help will be disqualified.

Can I take photos?
In line with BTF guidelines for children’s races, anyone wishing to take photographs or video
footage of the event must register their details at the Registration desk before carrying out
any such photography. (NB. includes camera phones!). You will be issued with a sticker that
you must wear at all times. Burntwood Leisure Centre policy is that no photography is
allowed inside the building, meaning that no photography will be allowed in the swimming
pool. There will also be no photography allowed in the transition area.


If you need any further information please email us at or ring Martin on or Ann on .